
Cancelation Policy

  • 1. All cancellations are subject to a 10% service charge.
  • 2. To make any change to the date of your service you must notify 72 hours in advance, send an email ( or WhatsApp (+506 89324763) and receive our response and affirmation. Since this will be a support for both our clients and our company.
  • 3. Any service offered by our company, the client must pay a 50% deposit to reserve the service they choose. You can pay the other 50% of the reserved service with any of these two options:
  • a. If payment is made by card (Mastercard or Visa), 13% of the added value must be added and must be canceled 48 hours before the chosen service.
  • b. Payments with PayPal:(@newtravelsreasonscr). If the deposit or payment is less than $450, it must be made at least 8 days in advance. But if the deposit or payment is greater than $450, it must be made 25 days in advance for the service chosen by the client. An additional 9% is added to this payment method (for commission payment of the established amount).
  • 4. Refunds will be issued for cancellations made within 72 hours of scheduled service. With the exception of fishing or boat trips, deposits within this category are non-refundable due to the popularity and availability of such services.
  • 5. Cancellations less than 72 hours after the scheduled tour will result in forfeiture of deposit.
  • 6. For all other tour cancellations or no-shows, 50% of the total balance will be charged.
  • 7. Be 5 minutes before your service pick-up time.
  • Note: Regarding the points (2, 3, 5) mentioned above in the cancellation policies, you must proceed in this way, because the company is responsible for the reservations of activities, according to the payment policies of each company (transport service, tour guide).

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+506 8932 4763